Sale of Felicitas-Klinikka Oy to Mehiläinen Oy

Acquired by


Sale of Felicitas-Klinikka Oy to Mehiläinen Oy

Felicitas-Klinikka Group operating in Helsinki and Lappeenranta was acquired by Mehiläinen Oy in late 2011. The company was founded in 1990 and specialized in infertility treatments.

Felicitas-Klinikka’s services cover all infertility treatments, pregnancy monitoring and the services of a therapist, a gynecologist, a radiologist, and a private maternity clinic. At the time of the transaction, Felicitas-Klinikka carried out approximately 1700 IVF treatments annually.

Felicitas-Klinikka’s 30 employees continued working at Mehiläinen’s service at its own premises in Helsinki and Lappeenranta, and practitioners’ contracts continued as before.

Carner advised the sellers throughout the sale process.


Mehiläinen Oy

Mehiläinen is a private provider of health care and social services in Finland, offering comprehensive high-quality services to private, corporate, and municipal customers. Mehiläinen provides help, support, and care for more than 1,2 million customers annually. Mehiläinen’s services are produced at over 440 locations by more than 18,800 employees and private practitioners.

Felicitas MehiläinenMehiläinen

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